Menus IT by Leonardo Boselli

Version 3

"A table-based way to display full-screen menus to the player. Semplicemente tradotto in italiano."


* indicates included extension uses authorial modesty

  • Basic Screen Effects version 8 by Emily Short (Internal) *

Included by

Copy Include Menus IT by Leonardo Boselli to clipboard Include Menus IT by Leonardo Boselli.
NOTA: Questa è una lieve modifica dell'estensione originale Menus di Emily Short. Ho ridotto solo l'ampiezza della barra e tradotto i testi.

Per la documentazione completa vedi l'estensione originale.
Version 3 of Menus IT by Leonardo Boselli begins here.

"A table-based way to display full-screen menus to the player. Semplicemente tradotto in italiano."

"basato su Version 3 of Menus by Emily Short."

Use authorial modesty.

Include Basic Screen Effects by Emily Short.

Section 1

Menu depth is a number that varies. Menu depth is 0.

The endnode flag is a number that varies. The endnode flag is 0.

The current menu title is text that varies. The current menu title is "Istruzioni".

Table of Sample Options
a table-name"bar"a rule

Current menu is a table-name that varies. The current menu is the Table of Sample Options.

Current menu selection is a number that varies. Current menu selection is 1.

Table of Menu Commands
78move down rule
110move down rule
80move up rule
112move up rule
81quit rule
113quit rule
13select rule
32select rule
130move down rule
129move up rule
27quit rule

This is the quit rule:
   now menu depth is menu depth - 1;
   rule succeeds.

This is the move down rule:
   if current menu selection is less than the number of filled rows in the current menu, now current menu selection is current menu selection + 1;
   reprint the current menu;
   make no decision.

This is the move up rule:
   if current menu selection is greater than 1, now current menu selection is current menu selection - 1;
   reprint the current menu;
   make no decision.

This is the select rule:
   choose row current menu selection in the current menu;
   if there is a toggle entry
     follow the toggle entry; reprint the current menu;
     if there is a subtable entry
       now the current menu title is title entry;
       now the current menu selection is 1;
       now the current menu is subtable entry;
       show menu contents;
       let the temporary title be the current menu title;
       now the current menu title is title entry;
       now the endnode flag is 1;
       redraw status line;
       now the endnode flag is 0;
       clear only the main screen;
       say "[variable letter spacing][description entry][paragraph break]";
       say "Premi SPAZIO per continuare.";
       wait for the SPACE key;
       now the current menu title is temporary title;
       reprint the current menu;
     end if;
   end if.

To redraw status line:
   (- DrawStatusLine(); -)

Displaying is an activity.

To reprint (selected menu - a table-name):
   redraw status line;
   say fixed letter spacing;
   let __index be 1;
   clear only the main screen;
   repeat through selected menu
     if __index is current menu selection, say " >"; otherwise say " ";
     say " [title entry][line break]";
     now __index is __index + 1;
   end repeat;
   say variable letter spacing;

To show menu contents:
   now menu depth is menu depth + 1;
   let temporary depth be the menu depth;
   let temporary menu be the current menu;
   let temporary title be the current menu title;
   let __x be 0;
   let __index be 0;
   while __index is not 1
     now the current menu is the temporary menu;
     let __n be 0;
     repeat through current menu
       increase __n by 1;
       if title entry is current menu title, now current menu selection is __n;
     end repeat;
     now the current menu title is the temporary title;
     reprint current menu;
     let __x be the chosen letter;
     if __x is a number listed in the Table of Menu Commands
       follow the effect entry;
       if temporary depth > menu depth
         now __index is 1;
       end if;
     end if;
   end while.

Rule for displaying (this is the basic menu contents rule):
   now current menu selection is 1;
   show menu contents.

Rule for constructing the status line while displaying (this is the constructing status line while displaying rule):
   if the endnode flag is 0,
     fill status bar with Table of Deep Menu Status;
   otherwise fill status bar with Table of Shallow Menu Status;
   rule succeeds.

Table of Shallow Menu Status
"" "[current menu title]" ""

Table of Deep Menu Status
left central right
"" "[current menu title]" ""
" N = Successivo" "" "Q = [if menu depth > 1]Ultimo Menù[otherwise]Ritorna[end if]"
" P = Precedente" "" "INVIO = Scegli"

Table of Sample Hints
a number

To say known hints from (hint booklet - table-name):
   let __index be 0;
   clear only the main screen;
   repeat through hint booklet
     now __index is __index + 1;
     if there is a used entry
       say "[__index]/[number of rows in hint booklet]: [hint entry][paragraph break]";
       if __index is 1
         now used entry is turn count;
         say "[__index]/[number of rows in hint booklet]: [hint entry][paragraph break]";
       end if;
     end if;
   end repeat;
   say "Premi SPAZIO per tornare al menù o H per rivelare un altro suggerimento."

To say hints from (hint booklet - table-name):
   let __index be 0;
   clear only the main screen;
   repeat through hint booklet
     now __index is __index + 1;
     say "[__index]/[number of rows in hint booklet]: [hint entry][paragraph break]";
     if there is a used entry
       do nothing;
       now used entry is turn count;
       say "Premi SPAZIO per tornare al menù[if __index < number of rows in hint booklet] o H per rivelare un altro suggerimento[end if].";
       make no decision;
     end if;
   end repeat;
   say "Premi SPAZIO per tornare al menù[if __index < number of rows in hint booklet] o H per rivelare un altro suggerimento[end if]."

This is the hint toggle rule:
   choose row current menu selection in the current menu;
   let the temporary title be the current menu title;
   now the current menu title is title entry;
   now the endnode flag is 1;
   redraw status line;
   now the endnode flag is 0;
   say known hints from the subtable entry;
   let __index be 0;
   while __index < 1
     let __x be the chosen letter;
     if __x is 13 or __x is 31 or __x is 32, let __index be 1;
     if __x is 72 or __x is 104, say hints from the subtable entry;
   end while;
   now the current menu title is temporary title.

Section 2 (for Glulx only)

Table of Menu Commands (continued)
-8quit rule
-6select rule
-5move down rule
-4move up rule

Menus IT ends here.